日本語以外の言語にてスキル「凶会心」のダメージ倍率がわかりづらい/The skill description for Critical Ferocity is not clear

不具合タイトル: 日本語以外の言語にてスキル「凶会心」のダメージ倍率がわかりづらい

不具合詳細: 日本語以外の言語(英語/フランス語/ドイツ語/イタリア語/ポルトガル語/スペイン語/韓国語/繁体字)にて、スキル「凶会心」の説明文のダメージ倍率がわかりづらくなっています。

誤:Reduces weapon’s affinity by 10%, but grants a small chance of increasing negative affinity damage by 50%.
正:Reduces weapon’s affinity by 10%, but grants a small chance of increasing negative affinity damage to 150%.

ステータス: 修正中です。

Issue Title: The skill description for Critical Ferocity is not clear

Issue Description: In all languages other than Japanese, the skill description provided for Critical Ferocity is difficult to understand/not accurate.

E.G.) Lv1
Error: Reduces weapon’s affinity by 10%, but grants a small chance of increasing negative affinity damage by 50%.
Correct: Reduces weapon’s affinity by 10%, but grants a small chance of increasing negative affinity damage to 150%.

Status: Being fixed.