Critical ferocity + Crit boost = should work.

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Critical boost isn’t activating like it should with the skill "critical ferocity "

その他の情報/Other Information

Critical boost doesn’t work with negative affinty. That is the normal.
Unless there’s a skill available like "brutal strike " (Monster Hunter rise sunbreak).
I’ve tested and as I long time returning player I expect critical boost to work with critical ferocity. Please fix

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Critical Ferocity merely boosts a blunder’s damage (i.e. negative affinity crits). It doesn’t turn a blunder into a critical hit.
Critical Boost boosts critical hits (i.e. positive affinity crits).

They don’t interact.

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They should work.
Simple reason…
Its a critical hit regardless if its purple (negative affinty) or red slash(positive affinity).
Its worked in the past and is still available to try in games mentioned.
Critical boost wouldnt work normally without an additional skill such as brutal strike. You should know this. If you dont please go boot sunrise. Test without with both skills on and off and tied with and without each other.
Just because "knockback resistance " is now called " firm foothold " it hasnt changed the function of how they work.
If you have a negative affinity weapon it will deal less damage occasionally with a negative affinity critical hit. Critical is the key word and is the reason why they worked in sunbreak when you also had brutal strike paired with negative affinty. You should go test it before hand both here on mh now and rise like i have. Otherwise your not assisting with this skill not functioning accordingly. Your simply fishing for debates.
It doesn’t work and should work.

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It doesn’t matter how it worked in other MH games because this is not other MH games. It is not obliged to follow what other MH games are doing, just like the newer MH games are not obliged to follow what the older MH games were doing.

New system, new logic. Attack Power, Elemental Power, and Critical Hits already work differently here in this game, so one shouldn’t expect other logic that worked on the traditional MH system to work the same way here.

Critical Boost works normally here already for positive affinity damage. In MH Now, they clearly distinguish “positive critical hits” from “negative critical hits” and therefore the “critical” word cannot be separated from the words “positive” and “negative”.

Much like you cannot receive donor blood of type A+ if your blood type is A-. The +/- signs are not separable from the letters and form the whole classification of blood type.

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Affinty definition by the game.
Affinity is a percentage of a chance to strike a CRITICAL HIT. Regardless if its negative or positive by default its a critical hit even if its with negative affinity.
If the slash is the color
purple or red… those are the visual affects of critical hits.
Each are different by design. Purple = 2/3 (roughly not exact and it doesnt matter if this is exact value in thie example) of a NON CRITICAL hit. Red = a attack that is about 1/4 ontop of the dmg from a regular hit.
And yes… critical boost+critical ferocity should dish more damage then with just critical ferocity.
Its like how in math two negatives subracted from one another end you up witb a positive value.

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It does matter. Its broken

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Why is it broken when Critical Ferocity is meant for weapons with negative affinity while Critical Boost is meant for weapons with positive affinity?


Theres also the ORANGE SLASH… the only slash that isnt a critical hit.

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I’ve already explained this.

Eh? In MHNow? How does that look like? Haven’t seen it myself.

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Use a weapon with 0% affinty. Eventually there will be orange slashes b4 your eyes (depending on the weapon type you use actually)

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Right now you’re applying your perspective onto the game’s perspective and refusing to accept the game’s perspective. Therefore, you’re explaining your perspective, not from the game’s perspective.

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You mean the yellowish slashes? Isn’t that just normal slashing effects?


Do you always say the same thing someone is explaining but slightly different? Is this your way of verification of what is plainly said already?

At least 3 times you have litteraly basically said what ive said but reworded things slightly. Cant wait for a fix on this skill.

In such a situation, it is important to verify what one has said against existing official documentation and prevailing evidences.

Understanding that each human’s sensory perception has slight differences between individuals, and that there are differences between the devices each individual uses, I cannot assume that what you say is what I think it is, and therefore I seek to ascertain that it is what I think it is by asking about it in a way that I think both of us understand.

So, your “orange” may be my “yellow”, hence I need to be sure that we’re both talking about the same thing and not something else entirely different.

I’m not here to create trouble or debate. My ultimate motive is to reduce overall frustration. However, “giving in” to frustration is not always the best choice, especially if the root cause of the frustration is borne out of a misconception.

I understand your point and your perspective, but my point is, this is not how this game classifies them, so it doesn’t matter what other MH games do. That is all I’m saying.

Critical Ferocity is a way for players to make a better use of weapons with severe negative affinity instead of simply adding more Affinity to reach positive affinity and then applying Critical Boost, which is how Critical Boost here works—only on positive affinity. This is a cumbersome and inefficient way to bring negative affinity weapons to positive affinity.

In other words, Critical Ferocity is a combination of Critical Eye + Critical Boost, but works better for weapons with negative affinity, just like how CE/WEx+CB works better for positive affinity weapons.

Not sure if this helps you, but I made a table to calculate the effective damage bonus one can expect from using Critical Ferocity vs straight affinity weapons (i.e. not comparing against other skills): MHNow Critical Ferocity Table - Google Sheets
(Note: We do not know what is the fixed rate of proccing the boosted CF hits, but I hearsay that the people testing this mechanism were leaning towards 30% proc rate. I made two tabs, one for 30% proc rate, the other for 25% proc rate, because that’s the estimated proc rate for Brutal Strike, a close relative to Critical Ferocity).

The sooner you accept that this is a new way of building the skills, the sooner you can let go of the frustration and just play the game it is designed to be. We cannot always expect a different game to do the same thing just because it is from the same franchise.

Thank you for reporting a issue about skills of critical.
I will ask to our development team about this behaviour.
And please understand in advance that we may not be able to disclose details as it relates to the mechanism.


The simplest way to end this argument is that “Critical Ferocity” is not “Brutal Strike”… you may argue that they do the same thing but they don’t. They are not the same. They do not stack… unless the devs say otherwise; which would mean my Tigrex Dualblades build needs some adjustments.

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Thank you for your patience.
We checked on this skill and found that the “Critical Boost” is only applied to positive affinity.
And this is intended.

There was a skill “Brutal Strike” in MHR that enhanced negative affinity, but please understand that we cannot disclose you here what MHN’s future roadmap will be.

Thank you for your understanding.