English follows after Japanese
- 狩猟に失敗した場合でも、15分の間であればメイン画面から何度でも再挑戦できます。
- ※この機能を使用した狩猟ではグループハントできません。
- ※緊急クエストや大連続狩猟/古龍迎撃戦など一部の狩猟ではこの機能を使用できません。
- グループハントのロビーでフレンドにフレンドアイコンが表示されるようになりました。
- 防具のスキルのフィルターにて、スキル名を長押しするとそのスキルの詳細が表示されるように改修しました。
- アイテムアイコンをタップした際に表示されるアイテムの並び順を変更しました。
- ログイン時のダイアログの表示タイミングを変更しました。
- ストリーマーモード有効中は、大連続狩猟/古龍迎撃戦の通知機能を使用できないように変更しました。
Thank you for playing Monster Hunter Now!
This article contains the main release information for v94 released on 2025/3/10 JST. Please note that not all updates are covered.
Last Update: 2025/3/10
New Feature
Implemented a feature that allows you to re-hunt the same species of monster. After successfully slaying a monster, you may use Gems from the Hunt Report screen to search for and re-hunt the same species of monster as the one that was just slain.
- Even if you fail in the hunt, it can be challenged again from the main screen as many times as you wish within 15 minutes.
- *This feature is not available for group hunts.
- *This feature is not available for Urgent Quests, Hunt-a-thons/Elder Dragon Interceptions.
In preparation for the upcoming Event Exchange Hub feature, an “Exchange Hub” button has been added to the shop.
This feature will allow you to trade exchangeable materials obtained during event periods for items and materials. It will first be made available during the event beginning on 3/17.
Main features adjusted or changed
Hunting General
- Friend icons will now be displayed next to friends in the group hunt lobby.
- Long tapping a skill name in the skill filter of your armor list will now display detailed information about that skill.
Main Screen
- The order of items displayed when an item icon is tapped has been changed.
- The display timing of dialogue shown when logging in has been changed.
Fixed Issues
- While streamer mode is enabled, notifications for Hunt-a-thons/Elder Dragon Interceptions will not function.
Issue where you are unable to exit the shop after performing certain actions
Monster unlock quests may return to incompleted state after performing certain actions
Unable to cancel gunlance’s Quick Reload motion with an upwards flick
The skill description for Valor is difficult to understand in some languages