Sleep wakeup overkill hit does not break kushala's head

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In a video posted to twitter we can see that Kushala’s head does not break even though sufficient overkill damage has been taken from a sleep wake up hit. (63,000 damage)

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I had suspicions that the head will not break as long as Kushala’s HP is not below 25% (50% of second bar). I guess this pretty much confirms it.

In many other videos posted elsewhere, there are players who used partbreaker builds to apply overwhelming damage to the head but the head consistently only broke when Kushala’s HP is below 25%.

Therefore, even if you could deal more than 75% damage to the head part in one hit, so long as Kushala’s HP is not less than 25% of its maximum, its head will not break.

So this becomes a question of design.

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Oh please don’t tell me they gimped the core feature of the game just so that they can somewhat control the amount of horns we are getting. The whole idea of part breaking is to get desired materials in the first place and 6th grade is the most desired one on kush are his horns, ergo head should be broken to get it. This is a Khezu move if done intentionally

Thank you for your report.

The information you have provided has been shared with the development team for further investigation.

We’ll make sure to keep you updated for any possible information or workarounds for this issue.

Thank you for your patience.