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Samsung S22 Ultra
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問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring
毎回/Every time
問題の詳細/Issue Details
The last 3 Kushala Daora hunts with a full group of 4, all players were kicked out when the hunt began or before the hunt ends. I’m left me fighting alone and losing out on rewards. This as been a total waste of time and money. Am I the only one, and how can I get reimbursed? I think that’s only fare at this point.
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They don’t see the possibility of Kushala dying and left to retry.
They leave to trying to get reward, even if they out the ticket is not consumed
I get that too and also my iPhone crashes mid Kushala hunt and also during random times during the game. It’s very irritating to me and I’m sure even more irritating to my teammates.
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I just fought another one and got kicked near end of fight. Used potions, dragon had maybe 1/4 health left with plenty of time to fight and the game crashed…again. Getting tired of wasting potions and not getting rewards on these hunts.