After the latest update which include the auto loadout switching and more, adventure sync(AS) had been remained off through the night but palico somehow still paintballed monster when checked.
Then AS was turned on and turned off again, during both of which Palico also managed to paintball monster too.
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Have not tested if this is resolved as all palico paintballs have been used soon after.
Edit: have tested restart of app and device to a new day and the problem have not been resolved and found to be the case also with my brother’s device. Both of us paintballed monsters while AS is off.
Attached is an image of the paintball list page right after palico paintballing a monster while AS is still off.
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I play Monster Hunter Now (MHN) with my family. To avoid the Palico Paintball and accidentally catching the same monster, one of the accounts would turn off Adventure Sync first. However, since updating to version V84, the Adventure Sync switch has stopped working, and we often end up catching the same monster, which leads to unnecessary waste.
その他の情報/Other Information
I have a suggestion regarding this. In versions before V83, turning off Adventure Sync would also disable the Drift Smelting feature. Could you separate the switch for Palico Paintball?
Also, in version V84, Adventure Sync no longer controls the activation or deactivation of Drift Smelting.
We’ve checked this case with our team and confirmed that Palico Paintballs will be used even when Adventure Sync is turned off if the app is running in the foreground since v84.
Whoa! my palico was trigger happy despite my adventure sync turned off these past few days… but today he’s being lazy despite my adventure sync turned on… he’s become moody i guess…