Is R6 drop rate of breaking first horn(right horn) of 8 star Nergigante ZERO percent?

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Breaking first horn of 8 star Nergigante won’t drop R6, not even once
Last slot of breaking reward is R3/R4 every time.
Is the drop rate of breaking first horn ZERO?
You say R6 is Nergigante’s Great Horn but breaking first horn will never get one.
First horn is stopping players breaking the second horn, the real rewarding horn.
Give us back the real drop rate for both horns

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Thank you for reaching out.

Unfortunately, we are unable to disclose the drop rate of rare materials but please know that broken part rewards are random, and broken parts may not be given as a reward.

In the meantime, we’ll forward your message to our development team as a feedback regarding broken part rewards. If there is any additional information we can share on this, we’ll do so on this Forum.

If you have any other concerns, please feel free to contact us anytime.
Thank you for your understanding.


Scrubbing through the dozens of screenshots on Nergigante Horn+ drops that I can find (with the help of Nergigante hunters who upgraded their Nergigante equipment to grade 10.5), I can only find this one screenshot which shows an R6 drop for a single-horn break hunt:

Otherwise, the occurrence of Nergigante Horn+ in the rightmost broken part reward slot and in the horn break broken part reward slot in single-horn break hunts is nearly non-existent (save for the one posted above), based on the screenshots the community at my side had reviewed.

This is mighty suspicious.

Edit: the screenshot was that of Kushala’s, not of Nergigante’s. As such, I haven’t seen a screenshot where:

  1. Single-horn break hunts rewarded Nergigante Horn+ in the broken part reward slot, and
  2. Double-horn break hunts rewarded Nergigante Horn+ in the rightmost broken part reward slot.
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This is from Kaushala my friend.
Kaushala 鋼龍(2 characters)の角
Nergigante 滅盡龍(3 characters)の大角

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Omg, I was blind. I knew kanji but I didn’t realise it wasn’t Nergigante LOL. I’ll edit my post.

Using same color for Kaushala & Nergigante’s material is pretty confusing lol



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Hi, do you have any screenshot of single-horn breaks that has the Nergigante R6 dropping?

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As an afterthought, we may have to accept that this is as designed.

If we look at Kushala Daora and Teostra, all the elder dragons have 3 breakable parts.

For Kushala and Teostra, they all have head, wings, and tail as breakable parts. Only the head contain R6 drop chance.

For Nergigante, the breakable parts are Left Horn, Right Horn, and Tail. If Nergigante follows the same R6 drop pattern for the Elder Dragons we have so far, that means only 1 of the breakable part has the chance to drop R6.

For Kushala and Teostra, you can target their head from the beginning of the hunt, but the head will not break until the elder dragon has <25% HP remaining and that it has received enough part break damage.

However, for Nergigante, there is no HP-lock for when both horns can be broken. You can break both horns even in phase 1, if you dealt enough damage (someone in my community just achieved that a few hours ago).

So, it may be by design that Nergigante Right Horn is like the Wings of Kushala Daora and Teostra, and the real R6 body part is at the Left Horn. The only thing is that you have to break the Right Horn in order to get to the Left Horn, but at least we don’t have the 25% HP thing to deal with.

So, in terms of broken part reward, Nergigante’s broken part rewards are still aligned with the drop pattern of Kushala and Teostra. The difference is just how we unlock the R6 drop slot.


This may be the best theory for the whole situation.

But it’s crazy how Niantic themselves won’t even give the correct information about it lol has confirmed that r6 drop from left horn only. information is crowd-sourced, so it’s more like it got updated when players found out that it’s not the usual kind of twin-part drop table, rather than it “confirming” it.

The developers are not obliged to divulge drop rates where it isn’t required by the law.


