Can it be made possible to finish quests that do not give you an item box item even though your item box is full?
It is currently not possible to complete any kind of quest when your item box is full regardless of the type of reward the quest gives.
The pictures are just the show that yes I’ve got a quest that’s ready to be accepted and when I go to claim the quest reward, it tells me my item box is full. Which, why would that have any impact on accepting this quest when all it’s giving me is zenny and rank points?
Thank you for your suggestion. We thought we fixed this issue in a previous update, but the fix was causing other issues and we had to revert back to the pre-fix state. We appreciate your patience while this issue is being addressed.
Basically, what I said in the title. I was trying to be quick about gathering stuff before starting the fight but afterwards, the game just froze on “Complete” instead of going to the next screen like it normally would.
その他の情報/Other Information
Restarting fixed it but I got don’t think I got the rewards (I cut the video short but I waited a couple minutes first to see if it would still work).
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I’m sorry to hear that you were unable to check the rewards for defeating Kushala Daora due to a freeze. If you would like to see what you received from the hunt, please contact us via in-app support by following the steps below:
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