When using the Zero Sum Discharge (SP) attack of any Switch Axe, the SP would end at different times in the same or different conditions.
Is this as designed or a bug? Or is there some kind of hidden mechanism that isn’t explained and looks very weird right now?
Please see attached videos.
In the first video, it shows that SP seemingly executed to its fullest, hit 1 making contact, hits 2-4 jabbing into the monster, followed by 11 hits of elemental discharge, then the final explosion.
Second Great Jagras video, there were fewer discharges before ending with the explosion.
Third video, against a Paolumu, there were no elemental discharge at all. The SP ended with the final explosion right after lodging onto Paolumu’s tail while it was recovering from its body slam attack.
その他の情報/Other Information
Other players are also seeing the same kind of inconsistency, and there doesn’t appear to be any rhyme or reason discernible.
Thank you for reporting about the switch axe SP skill.
Please wait a moment as we ask to our development team to see if this is a bug or a designed move.
And please understand in advance that we may not be able to disclose details as it relates to the mechanism.
I am afraid they will not divulge the exact mechanism behind this shortening of the SP Skill.
But as what you have mentioned earlier, maybe the reason that the SP Skill is shortened is because the monster was either (1) considered still “moving” and we get shaken off it, or (2) the monster’s body enters such a position that makes it impossible for the Hunter to hold onto it and therefore the SP Skill had to end earlier.
Edit: As I think back, of all the videos I’ve watched, it appears that the main reason for getting thrown off the monster may be because that a part of the Hunter’s character model went “underground”, including the weapon’s model. For example, when you latch onto a charging Black Diablos’ head, you will not get thrown off, but if you latch onto a charging Great Jagras’ head, you will get thrown off when it starts rolling and your Hunter’s character model briefly goes “underground” due to the monster’s rolling action.