The area where i live have 3 farming/mining spots in which HaT spawn.The problem happened when the recent event for December started.Elder dragon/Nergigante normally spawn alongside normal monsters in HaT,but to my surprise,it never did from 2nd till 7th…It did yesterday for few times,then today none until now…I mean the rate of Nergigante to appear in HaT so little to the point in which its barely enough to finish the event quest only…so sad…
Hi @Leonal0, how many large gathering points are there in that grid of yours? Don’t count the gathering points in other grids, only the grid that you’re in, i.e. the Forest grid as shown in this screenshot. Use the Wide View to pan the map so you can get a complete view of the grid. Don’t count grids with the same habitat as one; use neighbouring grids of different habitat and the border lines to help you identify the grid border.
The HAT/EDI spawn pattern and timing is per grid, and depends on how many large gathering points are there in that grid.
If there are 3 or fewer large gathering points in a grid, there is a pattern/potential for the grid to not have EDI for the entire day and will only spawn HAT nodes, but it should occur around once every 4 days or so (we’re still researching this pattern). The spawn interval for a HAT/EDI would be in 50-min intervals.
If there are 4 or more large gathering points in a grid, there will be an EDI for every 3 HAT spawns (e.g. EDI/HAT/HAT/HAT, HAT/EDI/HAT/HAT, etc) at 25-min intervals. Maximum number of HAT/EDI-possible nodes in a grid is 6, so if you’re in a grid with more than 6 large gathering points, the rest beyond the chosen 6 will never be HAT/EDI nodes until the developers reshuffle the spawn pattern (the last shuffle was the introduction of HATs and Zinogre in Dec 2023).
Each grid has their own spawn logic and schedule. Grids with 1-3 large nodes will follow that of the “1- to 3-node grid logic” while grids with 4 or more large nodes will follow that of “4- to 6+ node grid logic”.
The grid with 4+ nodes will have EDI everyday. You just need to identify the timing of the EDI node and the next one will be 4 spawns later, or 4 x 25 = 100 minutes later since the start of the observed EDI node.
So if you’re referring to the 3-node forest grid as shown in your screenshot, and if it has only 3 large nodes, then there is the potential for it to not have EDI for the entire day. I just cannot tell you the pattern for this lack of EDI because I’m lacking datapoints.
The day before Event started,EDI will appear between 100-200 minutes in those 3 spawns that shown in ss almost everyday…in this event EDI appeared on the 8th only in those 3 spawns,like 5 to 6 times…2nd till 7th,9th n today,no EDI…
That’s unfortunate… Are you able to visit another nearby grid with at least 4 large nodes? Those grids will have EDI everyday. You can use the Wide View to plan ahead.
The nearest one with 4 larger nodes would be around 1 to 2 miles away.Will check it out tmrow…Btw,thanks for the feedback about this matter…Really appreciate it…
Welcome! I know the situation is not ideal, and I’m not exactly sure why there’s a difference in grids with smaller number of nodes… This would be a good point to feedback about for your case.
Thank you for trying to share the screenshots.
The reason I ask this is because Nergigante does not appear in HaT.
Elder Dragon Interception and HaT are different events, so first we need to find the location of the elder dragon first.
Since this involves a random mechanism, a wide view would also be helpful.
We can not disclose the details of the mechanism, but we hope to find it.