Material points(stops) hasn’t became a HaT or EDI

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問題の詳細/Issue Details

Some material points (stops) do not spawn Hunt a Thons or elder dragon interceptions. As long as I’ve been playing one stop I’ve notice has never been a Hat or EDI.

If the cell you are in has more than 6 stops, then only the fix 6 will spawn edi/hat.

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Yup, that’s correct. Not all large gathering points will become HAT/EDI points.

If a grid has more than 6 large gathering points, only 6 of them will be HAT/EDI, and only those 6 will be until they decide to reshuffle the nodes or spawn pattern, which they have not done so since the introduction of Hunt-a-thons in Dec 2023.

If a grid has 6 or less large gathering points, all of them will be HAT/EDI points in a fixed order that’s randomised for each day. Each node takes 25 minutes to activate in turn, starting from 0715hrs, and there will be 1 EDI between every 3 HATs (i.e. 1/4 of all occurrences will be EDI).

For 1-node grids, there is a chance that it may not be an EDI for the entire day. The node will re-activate every 50 minutes, alternating between HAT and EDI if it is eligible for EDI for the day.

Currently I have no info on 2-node to 5-node grids’ activation pattern.

Thank you for reaching out.

Please note that some gathering points will not will become HAT/EDI points as it is already mentioned by other fellow hunters.

If you have other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to send us a message again.

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Gathering points near me don’t have Hunt-a-thons, It only gets resources.
But The surrounding area is normal.

Can you check and fix that? thx for your response.

Around here

13.598718, 100.708898