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Android S24
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問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring
問題の詳細/Issue Details
I think there is an issue with EDI spawns since the Triumvirate event started.
According to December 12th update there was set to be a change in the frequency of 6* and 8* EDI’s in season 4. Which was true i mostly saw 8 star EDI’s after the update.
But since the new event started it feels at to have reverted to a 50/50 split if not skewed in favor 6* spawns. This perception is limited to my general vicinity and the stopping outside where i couldn’t possibly reach the raids in time.
Unless this was stated somewhere in the more recent patch notes that this change would be happening it seems like I will have two hour blocks with no 8* spawns when I’m unable to travel more than 10 minutes away walking. This severly limits how many raids can take part in during the day, as I write this there are 4 6* raids nearby and my Cooldown has been up for over an hour.
See patch notes below,
"From Season 4 onwards, we plan to make adjustments to the appearance rate of elder dragons in Elder Dragon Interceptions.
Pre-adjustments: 6★ and 8★ appear at the same rate
Post-adjustments: 8★ will appear more frequently than 6★*8★ requires a hunter rank of 100+. For further details, please refer here"
その他の情報/Other Information
I apoligize if this isnt a bug but it appears contrary to the previous patch notes.