モバイル端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*
Samsung S23 Ultra, Android 14, OneUI 6.1
アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*
問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring
毎回/Every time
問題の詳細/Issue Details
- Launch the game.
- Play the game normally by hunting large monsters and gathering from small gathering points, but stay within the same grid and “clear” the grid of monsters and small gathering points.
- Before the next spawn period comes, stay in a spot and don’t move.
- Wait for the next spawn period.
- When the field is refreshed with new large monsters and small gathering points at the top of the hour, set the map orientiation to North Up and take a screenshot of the field map.
- Restart the app.
- Take a screenshot of the field map and compare the two screenshots.
- Observe that
a. Some large monsters would now appear in the second screenshot (after restarting the app) but not in the first screenshot (before the restart). Once, I had a Rathalos appear within my access circle while I was playing the game, but I restarted the app after the spawn time and the monster just appeared out of nowhere. Other times, I see a monster appear on the field map for a split second before disappearing; this made me think that those monsters are supposed to be on Palico’s map but are “leaking” through to the hunter’s map.
b. Additional small gathering points may appear too even though they are within your access range but they don’t re-appear unless you restart the app.
c. Some monsters would have their strength changed as well. Just now, I had a 6-star Azure Rathalos (1 purple star) on the map with a quest target marker on it, but my active story quest is to hunt 7-star monsters, so it shouldn’t display a quest target marker on it. However, when I walked to it and it entered my access range and its icon “pops up” to show that I can interact with it, its strength changed to 7-star (2 purple stars).
- The game should behave correctly and show correct data from the correct map across spawn periods and not require user to keep restarting the app every hour just to make the game display correct data.
その他の情報/Other Information
The issue can be resolved by restarting the app, but this just a workaround, not a solution. The solution is to fix issues that prevent the game from displaying the correct data all the time, especially between map refresh periods.