Quick navigation in forum via notification does not work

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Since 4 weeks

問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring

毎回/Every time

問題の詳細/Issue Details

In Forum i cant navigate via character icon,top right, notification. If i click it is bot working when page is translated through google translation. Web page seams not reacting and freezing.

その他の情報/Other Information

This was working fine befor

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Sorry to hear you have troubles with the forum navigation.
Which browser are you using?
Would it work better if tke Google translate is turned off?
If it doesn’t help, would you consider downloading the DiscourseHub app from the store?
Thank you for taking your time to report it here.

It is working without translation fine. I use Chrome.

It kinda sad if ur solution is just to keep it off.
As you maybe know there post mainly in japaneese and englisch. Wuthout teanslation we (or here mainly i) would not have oportunity to comunicate.

Im prity sure you would prefer that the hole community comunicate with each other than 2 seperat.

This is one of my bigest concerns of the forum, that is basicly seperated in english and japaneese posts. In Japaneese posts i see rarly an english answer. And in my opinion you shud support the interactions between this two community’s.

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I usually post in Japanese, but when responding to posts in English, I translate my responses into English using ChatGPT or DeepL (since Google Translate accuracy isn’t very good).

Ideally, it would be best if we could all communicate in our native languages without needing to do this. (By the way, this post is also translated into English using ChatGPT.)

The translation is not the best true, specialy the translation of all the post about the heat confused me a lot becouse it made bo sence. Translation to german was far better, kinda wierd that translating from japanese to a comon language is so bad you cant understand it. But well if the page not working properly whyle translated, they should at least look at it. I feel a little dismissed by the answer i get.

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Is dev implementing AI? If so, I hope they significantly improve the translation features to enhance communication between users. (At the very least, it should support more languages.)

Let me raise this issue to the forum platform vendor. We hope they can fix it soon.

As we report it to the platform provider, could we ask you a few more things?
Were the translation and navigation working fine 4 weeks ago?
Did you switch from web browser to mobile browser by tapping the icon at the bottom right corner of the memu?
If so, would switching back to web browser enable the translation?

I have always used chrome on my mobile device, never changed something. From i specific date, that i can not exactly name, this stoped working.

This is the standard google translate funktion.

On the 3 dots and side translate.

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