Promotion items not received.

携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*

iPhone 15

アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*

17.5.1 The issue

問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring

ごく稀/Very rare

問題の詳細/Issue Details

I enter the code MHNDM2407 on the offer-redemption page and only received 3 insta-smelt. I didn’t receive 5 armor refining parts.

その他の情報/Other Information

My internet connection was very bad When redeeming it.
I should have 7 refining parts but now only have 2.

画像、動画ファイル添付(最大30MB)/Attach screen shots, video files(Max30MB)

Thank you for your report and sorry to hear that you were unable to receive the gift.

We’ll investigate this so please contact us via in-app support by following the steps below:

■ How to contact on the app

  1. Tap on the hunter icon
  2. Select [Settings]
  3. Select [Contact]
  4. The chat with the user support begins. Please follow the instructions on the screen and explain your issues.
    *Please ensure to select [Inquiry via Forum] or input the details of your inquiry
  5. Select [Other Issues]

Thank you.

Thanks for the information.
I have tried to contact them in the app yesterday, but no one answered.

Thanks for your reply.

Please know that it may take some time for us to reply. Our team is working hard to respond to each ticket as soon as possible.

We appreciate your understanding and patience.