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Redmagic 9 pro - 9.5.13_EE
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Player slips away from the monster causing the follow up attack to miss sometimes. I’ve already missed some attacks since version 90.0 because of this.
I am reporting it as a bug because I don’t think this was intentional. I think the update to backstep was only to trigger skills. Please fix it!
Technically, that sounds like it’s working as intended since Bubbleblight augments your evasion, like Evade Extender and Artful Dodger, and since the Backstep is now an evasive action, this means all such evasion skills will apply.
If extended evasion distance is not desired, then one would have to drop evasive skills that increase the evasion distance in favour of keeping the evasion distance the same as before.
Hi hunter!
Thank you for letting us know a trouble about evasion.
As @Stampeder said, if you have any evasion improvement skills, it is intended update.
However, if you do not have skills, there might be a issue.
If you haven’t, please share us details of situation.
The issue is that attacks are now missing because of bubbleblight + backstep. Bubbly Dance + Skyward Striker skills are no longer useful for SnS players because of this nerf.
The update that the evasion skill is now applied to backstep is intended.
But, I will ask dev team about that the combo you have been using will no longer be available due to this update.
Please note that this is not meant to be a promise of future updates at this time.
Thank you for your opinion and understanding.