(一部対応済)狩猟中、モンスターに状態異常が発動した際、再度同じ状態異常が想定より発動しやすい/(Partialy fixed)Subsequent status ailment triggered faster than expected during the hunt

不具合タイトル: 狩猟中、モンスターに状態異常が発動した際、再度同じ状態異常が想定より発動しやすくなっている

不具合詳細: 狩猟中にモンスターに状態異常が発動した際、2回目以降の状態異常が想定より早く発動する場合があります。例として、モンスターに対して毒の状態異常が発動した際、想定より2回目以降の毒の状態異常が発動しやすくなる場合があります。

ステータス: (6/10更新)

  • 本来、状態異常(麻痺、毒、睡眠、気絶)は発生するたびにモンスターに耐性がつき、次の状態異常が発生しづらくなる補正がかかりますが、状態異常中に次の状態異常が発生した場合、上記の補正がかからず、以降の状態異常が発生しやすくなっていましたため、補正がかかるように修正しました。



Title: Status Ailment triggered faster than expected during the hunt

When a status ailment is applied to a monster during a hunt, the subsequent status ailment occurs faster than expected. For example, after the poison status is inflicted on a monster, any subsequent applications of poison may occur faster than expected.

Status: (Updated on June 10th)
Normally, when status ailments (paralysis, poison, sleep, stun) occur, the monster gains resistance, making subsequent status ailments less likely to occur. However, if a new status ailment occurred during an existing one, this resistance adjustment was not applied, resulting in increased frequency of subsequent status ailments. This has been fixed so that the resistance adjustment now properly applies.


  • This fix only applies when a new status ailment occurs during an existing one and does not affect resistance adjustments for ailments occurring after the previous effect ends.
  • If a new status ailment occurs while another is active, it may visually appear as if the current status ailment is extended. Additionally, the total duration of the status ailment may become shorter. We plan to fix this issue in a future update.