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geen idee
問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring
毎回/Every time
問題の詳細/Issue Details
Since about a week or a bit longer, i do not get any more free paintballs. I get a message everyday that i get 3 paintballs, but they do not appear in my inventory anymore. something changed or is it a bug?
You get blue paintballs (palico paintball) for free. Pink ones are purchased item.
Thank you for reaching out.
Please know that you can get Paintballs (pink) by purchasing them at the store or via the Season Pass Premium Plan. You get 3 Palico Paintballs (blue) for free everyday but if these are not appearing in your account, please contact us via the in-app support as we would like to investigate further.
Thank you for your understanding.