Paintball Palico suddenly not marking and left 3 paintballs

携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*

iPhone 12 Pro Max

アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*


問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring

毎回/Every time

問題の詳細/Issue Details

Previous paintball bug is back?
Paintball suddenly stop marking after 2 marked for the whole day! I still have 3 left.
Please compensate if paintball are not used

その他の情報/Other Information

This bug I believed was fixed previously

画像、動画ファイル添付(最大30MB)/Attach screen shots, video files(Max30MB)

Thank you for your report and we apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

Please know that fulfilling the following conditions will let your Palico automatically use Palico Paintballs to mark monsters:

  • Adventure Sync" is enabled.
  • Walk a certain distance.

Also, if GPS usage is restricted on your device or communication line, such as power-saving mode or bandwidth limitation, your Palico may not be able to mark even if “Adventure sync” is turned on.

You can check the following article for more information regarding Palico paintball.

Feel free to reach out again if the issue persists even after checking the above. Thank you for your understanding.

I realized that it is not marking sensitively when you have full paintball list, palico is hard to mark after clearing something on the list. I have to spam background mode instead walk around, but it is still difficult to mark

Oooh hello fellow countryman o/

Thank you for your response.

We’ll share the information with our team for further investigation. If there is any information we can share on this, we’ll do so on this Forum.

Please feel free to contact us again, if you notice anything else regarding this.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Today, I am encountering the issue where all 5 of my Palico paintballs are not used.

This is despite walking around the neighbourhood and the natural drifting occurring due to my phone being indoors, and my game was running most of the time as I hunted while I was out walking or when I just let the game run while letting the natural drifting occur.

Since 5am, the time of Palico Paintball being restocked, to the point of posting this message, at 10.17pm. 17 hours have passed and my Palico Paintballs are still at 5/5.

Adventure Sync is enabled (no change since yesterday), and yet today not a single monster was marked by the Palico.


I had 5 marked monsters, out of the 10 maximum possible.

I just hunted 1 of the marked monsters, and my Palico nearly immediately marked a Deviljho within my access circle.

Does this imply that I had an invisible cap of 5 marked monsters?

Update: After I cleared all my marked monsters, Palico marked yet another monster within minutes and within my access circle, and I barely moved. Something fishy is going on.

Update 0028hrs: All 5 of my Palico paintballs have been expended. So it appears likely to be a case of an invisible limit of 5 monsters instead of the expected 10 (I was about to reach 10 marked monsters, excluding Tracked monster, on Monday).