No more driftstones

携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*

Samsung Galaxy S7, Android 8.0.0

アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*


問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring

毎回/Every time

問題の詳細/Issue Details

For more than a week now, my son has not gotten ANY driftstones. During this time, he has used up all of his driftstones, and even created and used a driftgem. During this time he has defeated AT LEAST 100 monsters, possibly several hundreds. And not a single driftstone has dropped. He has tried to log out, restart his phone, and log back in. Still no driftstones.
I am playing with him, and I am still getting driftstones. There was a period of a few days when the droprate was very low. And I was down to about 3 driftstones. But then it started to pick back up again. But he still do not get any driftstones. And he has been out of driftstones for a few days now.

I do understand that getting driftstones is random. But this has gone on for such a long time that it is beyond random chance. He has gotten about 5-10 Wyvern Gem Shards in the same time as he has not gotten any driftstones. And driftstones normally has a MUCH higher drop rate than Wyvern Gem Shards.

その他の情報/Other Information

I have tried reinstalling, relogging, and restarting. So far nothing has helped. And I have no reason to think it will help, since this must be a server issue, and not an app issue.

Thank you for your report regarding driftstones.

We’ve reviewed this with our team but there was no issue with the drop rate. Driftstones are rare so they may be hard to obtain sometimes. However, we’ve forwarded this message as a feedback to our development team.

Feel free to reach out again if you have anything else to say about your experience playing the game.

Thank you for your understanding.

See: Driftstones do not drop - #4