139 driftsmelt of amber stones never get brust

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Android version 14

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問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring

毎回/Every time

問題の詳細/Issue Details

Would like to report a bug that the skill “brust” was not in my amber stone skill pool. After 139 of amber stone driftsmelt, brust never appear. Could you please help to fix the bug? Thank you.

その他の情報/Other Information


Thank you for your report regarding driftsmelting. I understand that some skills are hard to get sometimes.

We’ve checked this with our team and confirmed that there were no issues with the skill pool of amber stones. However, we’ll share this message with our team as a feedback.

If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reach out again. Thank you for your understanding.

When you say some skill is hard to get (0 in 140 time), do you mean some skill, for example “brust”, has a lower rate than other skill? Thank you.

Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately, we are unable to disclose the probablity of the skills that you can get from driftsmelting. If we have information that we can share, we’ll let you know via this forum or support website.

Thank you for your understanding.

@kengede I got 3 burst but never other thunder attack and aggressive dodge after less than 200 driftsmelt, @NianticModKKI can I also report this as bug? :smile:

I am so envy.

I have a crowd-sourced project going on to try to get an estimation on the skill acquisition rates based on players’ input: Driftsmelting Result Survey 漂移錬成結果調査

Based on the submissions so far, some skills appear to be harder to come by than other skills. However, the sample size is still small, so if you and your friends can help contribute all your future driftsmelt results, that will be helpful in making the results more generalisable and representative.

The project currently does not take in results for event-limited driftstones and drfitgems.

According to the reply from another user, does that mean not every player has the equal chance of the driftsmelt skill? Thank you.

Everyone has the same chances, but not everyone will have the same outcome.

It is important to understand and accept that not everyone will have the same outcome when it comes to chance-based mechanisms, even when the initial conditions are the same.

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You do not need envy because I do not need burst skill for that armor piece. We are on the same boat

How to check how many stone has smelted on the armor piece to do survey?

We can’t. And if you cannot precisely recall which driftsmelt skill was smelted from which stone/gem, please do not submit. Only submit for the ones that you can precisely recall, such as new driftsmelts from here on.

Yes, the survey requires quantity, but the quality of the submissions is priority. Quantity will come in due time.

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I guess I just have to accept my 0.78% (96.7%^144) rare luck and care less about the game.

There are many others who get Burst on their very first driftsmelt…

As a whole across the entire game, it balances out as per the pre-set acquisition rate. It’s just not the same result for everyone.

Why not smelt something else, especially the equipment that have open slots but not smelted with anything yet? Unless you’ve already done that and are now at the optimising phase.

We’re all playing the same game. We just don’t have the same experiences. It’s only natural for chance-based mechanisms.

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The black diablos bow is the only weapon that I has a fighting chance against the 10 stars monsters. I need brust x 3, which I have 0, to complete the set.
It’s probably my fault not to build another weapon, but I did try to build the new elder dragon weapon. I have slain around 230 elder dragons but the r6 material I acquired is not even close to half required to complete the weapon.
If I keep on putting same amount of attention and care on this game, I will probably gone mad.

Alternatively, just ignore 10-star monsters until you’re actually ready.

They are entirely optional at this point, and they confer no extra functional benefits that can further our game at this point other than for farming/medal purposes, which are not crucial for playing this game or furthering the upgrades of other weapons.

You still can farm the 9-stars effectively with your current weapon set.

I’ve unlocked 10-stars since… like Feb 2024 and I’ve only started really killing some 10-stars recently, and I’m still enjoying the game hunting 8 and 9-stars and eventually came to have 3 other grade 10 weapons and several G8/9 weapons, long after my Pukei Bow (the first to 10.5, didn’t even G8 other weapons before I 10.5 my Pukei Bow).

Yes, I probably have started the game earlier than you (I started since the soft launch before the global release), but that’s my point: 10-stars are optional.

Don’t stress yourself over it.

Enjoy the hunt.

Enjoy the game.

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