携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*
Samsung S23 Ultra, Android 14, One UI 6.1
アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*
問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring
毎回/Every time
問題の詳細/Issue Details
Upon updating to v91 from v90, the following issues were observed:
- Noticeable frameskips occurring every second or two during the hunt compared to when hunting in v90 using the same graphics settings
- Phone heating up more than when playing in v90 using the same graphics settings
- Using the built-in framerate tool, when using Medium graphics settings and above, the game runs at 60 FPS outside of hunts, specifically in the following areas (not exhaustive):
- Hunter menu
- Equipment screen
- Quest screen
- Paintball List screen
- Shop screen
- Season Pass screen
- Note: The 60fps rate persists in the sub-menu of all above screens.
- The only areas that the game runs at 30fps rate are at the hunt preparation screen (not the lobby) and on the field map.
This causes unnecessary drain on phone battery and heating up of the phone due to extra processing on the processors.
Following are two videos to demonstrate the frameskips. You can observe noticeable pauses every now and then throughout the hunt. Network is stable, so this is not due to unstable network where the game waits for data from the server.
その他の情報/Other Information
The issue cannot be resolved in any way. The frameskip issues were not present on v90, and the phone did not heat up like it does now on v91.