Lvl 3 drops

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There has got to be some kind of big with the azure rathalos. Out of the 37 that I have killed I’ve only received ONE level 3 material. I have more lvl 4 and 5 material then the level 3. I’ve broke both wings, head, tail. And have yet to get another lvl 3 material.

RNG at it’s finest






Yes. RNG is like that.

Also, R3 is from its tail and back (what treeWin said).

And no matter how many parts you break, it doesn’t modify the rates of other reward slots, because they’re independent.

Breaking tail and back will give you 2 more rolls for it in the Broken Part Rewards, on top of the Basic Rewards and Group Hunt Rewards.

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Thanks for reaching out regarding the drop rate of level 3 materials.

As it is already mentioned by other hunters, hunt rewards are based on RNG so it may take some time to get a certain material. However, we’ve forwarded your message to our team as a feedback.

Do feel free to post on the Forum if you’ve noticed anything else.
Thank you so much for your understanding.

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