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Greetings, since 2-3 weeks i get no golden Jyuradotus Drops. I killed at least 75+ and collected data. Jyura is since then my focussed monster. I stuck at 17 and cant progress. This is not an rng issue, the odds are to low for this. Are more hunters encountering the same issue? Could you please look into this?
I’ve hunted a few Jyura for the past couple of weeks and have gotten several R5 out of them.
RNG is like this. It doesn’t care how much effort you have put in, because it’s simply not based on effort but based on the pre-set probabilities, and every hunt (rather, every slot that can drop the material you want) is rolled for independently from each other.
I’ve had someone in my side of the community who did not get a single R6 from all the 8-star+ monsters he had hunted for over 3 months, and you’d think that the probabilities should have allowed him to earn a few by then, but probabilities don’t care how much you have hunted.
Thank you for the reply, i am aware of that and i understand probabilities very well. I am a very passionate player with 10.209 Monster Kills. 496 of them are Jyura. I’ve observed this very closely and waitet another week before i posted my observation here. As every Player who ranks 10* weapons i hunt for the green and the common drops and dont care for blue and golden ones, because by the time you need them you got more then enough. This is true for every single monster in the game with no excaption since launch. So this was true for Jyura too, until one update a few weeks ago. Since then i got significant more greens and as i mentioned no gold ones. Not a single one. In the last weeks i got (and this is normal because i hunt a lot) ca. 20 to 25 reds. You cant compare this, because they drop from every Monster with a significant lower drop rate. Gold drops are much more common.
As we all know droprates dont stay the same, niantic tunes them every other update for special events or the season. E.g. they introduced a special rare drop after some hunts. So my question was, if something got messed up there and somebody else experienced this or if i (like you mentioned) am the very unlike winner of a rng lottery (statisticly very unlikely).
Did you aim to break the tail? Because it only drops from tail break… otherwise you got to gamble the 4 slots for beating it.
I have been in situation after continuously breaking the rarity 6 part and defeating the monster more than 180 times, I still don’t get any. I heard there are people who hunted around 300 and get 0 rarity 6 drop. And in some situation, I got 5 rarity 6 from less than 20 monster (without spending carving knife or 300 Gems). This is rng at works, you can’t really do much, except keep hunting and hope for the best.
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“As we all know”? No, I don’t. I don’t even know where you get that misinformation from.
Since you understand probabilities, you should know better than to ask this question in the first place—not because you can’t ask, but because you knew how probabilities worked and this is really not unusual.
As I’ve said, I’m getting my R5s from Jyura as per normal in what I believe to be the same period as you. These are what I have gathered since I last cleared my inventory about 3-4 days ago, and I’m not even purposely looking for them.
If there are others who are not getting their R5s, I’m sure you’ll hear more about it generally than just isolated cases, and that would also tell you that it’s just RNG.
That said, I do empathise with you. But don’t let the freak drops wear you thin. Enjoy the hunt, enjoy the process, and you’ll get what you need eventually. Last thing is to burn out chasing for probabilities.
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I hope this will motivate you. Just hunted a Jyura (first Jyura today):
Ah, freshies enjoying droprates. Here’s the totally legit and not a copium circumvent:
Treat the game as a malicious individual. If you say or think about the drop you require, the game will give you everything but that drop
Simply, you have to trick rngesus into believing you don’t need this part. Works like a charm, that is not at all, but it’s still probability and nothing more at the end of the day
Thanks for reaching out regarding the drop rate of rare materials. I understand that some materials are hard to get sometimes.
We’ve checked this with our team and confirmed that there were no issues with the drop rate of Jyuradotus.
If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reach out again. Thank you for your understanding.