モバイル端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*
アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*
問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring
毎回/Every time
問題の詳細/Issue Details
Every Great Girros paralyze attack refresh the debuff on a hunter, instead of knocking it out and dealing extra damage, creating a stunlock that can’t be broken unless downed, hit by non para attack or missed and happened to break it by pure chance. Happens on every
capable of using para attack. Even low rank GG can stunlock and nibble hunter to death
その他の情報/Other Information
There’s a possibility this issue is not isolated to the para and happens for all status effects, insufficient data to approve or disapprove
Hi @EnD1086. It appears that you’re experiencing issues with the Paralysis Ailment. Hunters should get temporarily stunned after being hit by a Paralysis attack, Could you please provide us with a screen recording of the issue so we can investigate it better?
This is the closest I came to replicate the issue in controlled environment. As seen, I’m locked in para, and then para is instantly refreshed instead of being knocked off my character. While this is just an example, I remember being locked in this state for 4 attacks at one point, without anything I can really do. This has to be a bug, or an oversight, I refuse to believe, that you designed an entire mechanic with malicious intent
Hi there, @EnD1086! Thanks for sourcing all that info for us.
Could you check our FAQ on Status Ailment?
While in a Paralysis state, repeatedly tapping can help to reduce the duration of the Paralysis status.
Let us know if this helps!
It doesn’t. While I wasn’t able to capture it cause it’s more up to chance, I was more than once paralyzed and during falling down animation I was paralyzed again, resetting the animation and the timer of the debuff. I’m a veteran hunter with thousands of hours in MH across multiple platforms and CC status and effect in every monhun game ever works like this if one doesn’t get out of said status by himself:
Getting status effect that incapacitate > getting hit by a monster for additional damage due to being incapacitated > breaking the ailment
Chain above happens even if a monster use another ailment attack. It’s a grace period to prevent stunlocks. In MHNow getting hit by ailment attack a second time doesn’t have a grace period and it’s especially visible on GG. And before you ask, I would rather not get hit on purpose again because potions are premium
Regardless, it’s either a bug or malicious design. And I choose to believe it’s a bug
Thank you again, @EnD1086, for sharing all this insight with us!
I’ve shared this with our team and they are looking into it.
We appreciate your continued support!