携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*
Samsung S23 Ultra, Android 14, One UI 6.1
アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*
問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring
毎回/Every time
問題の詳細/Issue Details
- Hunter A and Hunter B form a party together (one create a party, the other join the party).
- Hunter B move away from Hunter A so that Hunter B is outside of the range of joining group hunts hosted by Hunter A.
- Hunter A host a group hunt for any monster, preferrably one that is marked or tracked by Hunter A so that the distance can be controlled precisely.
- Observe that Hunter B receives an invitation to join the group hunt hosted by Hunter A.
- Hunter B proceed to tap on the invitation notification and attempt to join the group hunt.
- Observe that Hunter B receives the error message saying that they are too far to join the hunt.
- Hunter A continue to hold the lobby while Hunter B now quickly move closer to Hunter A so that Hunter B is within range of Hunter A’s group hunt request.
- Observe that Hunter B does not receive the group hunt invite again despite being within range of Hunter A. Hunter B has to restart their application in order to receive the invitation for the same monster. Re-hosting the same monster by Hunter A wouldn’t work. There may be other conditions or workarounds but I didn’t test extensively.
- Hunter B should still continue to receive the group hunt request from Hunter A when such a situation occur, as long as Hunter B fulfils the conditions to receive the group hunt invites, regardless of what error Hunter B may encounter when initially accepting the invitation.
- This issue also occur if Hunter B tried to host a group hunt while Hunter A hosted a group hunt a split second before Hunter B hosts their group hunt, in which Hunter B will receive a “network error” since they cannot host another group hunt while the party has an open group hunt, and Hunter B will be stuck in the same situation and they have to restart the game in order to make things work normally again.
- This affects all hunters in the party, so long as they fail to join a group hunt hosted by a party member for whatever reason. The ones who fail to join a party hunt invitation will have to restart their app, regardless whether they are on Android or on iOS.
- It occurs for field monsters, marked monsters, and tracked monsters.
- This issue has been occurring since a few versions ago, I think since around the time when the Dimensional Link feature was released.