Group Hunt with friends within 200m issues

携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*

iPhone 12 Pro Max

アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*


問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring


問題の詳細/Issue Details

After updating to 82.1, the group hunt 200m range seems to be nerfed. My friend and I always were able to play before 82.1 fluently. For now, after the “too far” error pop out, the join hunt never appears again, and you need to restart app for it to reappear.

その他の情報/Other Information

Only keep restarting the app able to see the join hunt pop out again.

Just wondering, how long did you wait for the Join hunt! notification after your friend has started the lobby?

The situation you’re in sounds like you two are playing in different parts of a building.

If you’re also not getting a good location signal at the same time and ends up drifting around quite a bit, it’s not uncommon for the two of you to be temporally out of range due to the drift, which may not always reflect in the visual position on your respective field maps.

Therefore, if either of you were “drifting” due to poor location signals while playing inside a building, try to switch on your Wi-Fi so as to hopefully “anchor” your location and stop the drift.

We did play in different building and we did not drift and out characters were static. Sometime closer hunters unable to join but further away hunters able to join. Then we are able to hunt together with wild monsters further than our distance. When doing pbs and trackers that are closer than those wild monsters will have issue group hunting. Our distance are around 100m only

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Thank you for your report and we apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

We’d suggest you follow the steps provided in our Trouble Shooting Guide and see if that helps:

For details regarding group hunt, you can also check here:

If the issue persists, please provide us a video showing the issue.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation on this.

Yes the issue still persists. The distance between my friends and I is less than 200m. Please see the distance. Is the distance currently play with friends 100m or 200m?


Thank you for your response.

Please know that you need to meet the following requirements to join hunts for large monsters 8★ and above:

  • Hunting 8★ Large Monsters: HR 50 or above
  • Hunting 9★ Large Monsters: HR 100 or above
  • Hunting 10★ Large Monsters: HR 150 or above

If these requirements are not met you/your friend will not receive “Join hunt!” notifications for the relevant monsters.

Also, would you mind trying out the following workarounds and see if it works?

  • Restart your device
  • Reinstall the app
  • Disable apps running in the background
  • Set the app’s graphics quality to ‘Low’ in the settings
  • Uncheck ‘60 fps While Hunting’ in the settings
  • Download all assets in the settings
  • Update your device’s OS
  • (Android) Update Google Play Store / Google Developer Services
  • (iOS) Turn off low power mode
  • (If the device is hot) Take a break from playing to cool down the device
  • Try other network connection (Wi-fi, 4G, 5G)

Thank you for your cooperation on this.

The distance is counted from the monster and not you

if you read carefully, I am referring trackers and paintball monsters