Party members cannot receive invite for Hunt-a-thon

モバイル端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*


アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*


問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring

毎回/Every time

問題の詳細/Issue Details

Since the update where the Hunt-a-thon (HAT) invite range has increased, not just in this v74.1 app version, I found that party members no longer receive HAT invitations when I host a HAT while in a party with other hunters.


  1. Hunter A create a party and have Hunter B scan Hunter A’s party QR code to join Hunter A’s party.
  2. Hunter A go to a new active HAT. Hunter B move away from the HAT so that the HAT is just outside of Hunter B’s access circle.
  3. Hunter A tap into the HAT and tap the “Join” button, then wait inside the lobby.
  4. Hunter B wait for the invitation.
  5. Observe that Hunter B never receives the invitation to join the HAT.
  6. Hunter A leaves the lobby and Join again to restart the timer.
  7. Hunter B leave the party and then return to the field map and wait.
  8. Observe that Hunter B receives the invitation to join the HAT.


  • Party members must be able to receive the hunt invitation for the HAT just like hunters who are not in a party are able to.

その他の情報/Other Information

The only workaround is to disband the party or have all party members manually join the HAT themselves, but this defeats the point/benefit of being in the party.
It was working fine previously until the update where the HAT invite range limit was relaxed globally.

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Hi @Stampeder! We’re sorry for the delay in response.

We’ve shared this with our team and they’re looking into it. Thank you for sharing your insights regarding the issue.

Your continued support is appreciated.