error in purchasing

hi, I have a problem purchasing with currency (not gems) it says i should check my country setting. i dont understand, because i bought several times before and its fine. i indeed reinstall the game because i thought error occured only in my device but it turns out from devs. then this problem happen. please help me i dont wanna miss the season’s rewards. thanks

Based on the content, I think it would be better to contact dev from within the game.

yea I am waiting for their reply rn

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so sad kushala right beside me but i can’t join, only couple minutes before he appeared i just finished hunt-a-ton
can’t purchase a ticket join! :frowning:

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I hope your trouble will be resolved soon.


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Hello, @Nitapipu.

We’re sorry to hear that you’re having trouble with a purchase. We want to help and look into this issue so please contact us via in-app support by following the steps below:

  1. Tap on the hunter icon
  2. Select “Settings”
  3. Select “Contact”
  4. The chat with the user support begins. Please follow the instructions on the screen and explain your issues.
    (Please make sure to select “Inquiry via Forum” and input the details of your inquiry)
  5. Select “Other Issues”

Thank you!

yeah, i’ve sent it to contact support yesterday. and still waiting for the reply