Does Anyone Else Feel Like Poison weapons are Underpowered?/毒武器が弱すぎると感じる人は他にもいますか?

I can’t help but feel they are. After a few days spent gathering the materials to make parts of the rathian set, and even with poison attack 4 with a 5 grade SnS on a 5 star monster weak to poison, and also attacking its weak spots, I still wasn’t doing enough damage to kill it. Despite my other SnS of the same grade killing it in within time. It teally deflated my excitement for my new armor and weapon.


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Hmm… You might want to upload a couple of video recording of your hunts so that we can see what might be the root cause of failing the hunts. This is the fastest way for others to help you.

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Yeah, I agree but only up to a certain extent. The accumulation of poison damage has always been an addition, rather than a substitude to your weapon damage; especially now that we are fighting against a timer, your weapon damage is fundamentally the highest priority.

In my case, I am decked with a lv.2 Poison boosted Princess Panoply gunlance that has 321 Poison value:

Despite gunlances’ limitation of only triggering elemental damage
/status ailments fom swings and wyrmstake cannons, I am still able to proc Poison consistently in my hunts, but it is never the Poison that dishes out the majority of the damage, and if anything, most monsters got taken out before Poison even lands.

In other word, Poison have more chances to proc when hunting grade 5+ monsters due to their bigger health bar, and is definitely a great help when your weapon is a bit underpowered like mine. To reiterate, Poison is just there to help, so don’t let it steal the spotlight that rightfully belongs to weapon damages!

Happy hunting…!


I use a poison weapon (Rathian) bow to kill Kushaldaora, and it does about 2800 damage as percentage damage even in G6-3.
However, I feel that attribute weapons are stronger when it comes to large monsters that spring up in the wild. I feel that even if I try to defeat them using a poison sword, I often cannot defeat high ranks, and I feel that I have to carry attribute weapons more often.

毒武器が弱い ×
毒武器は汎用性が高め ◯


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