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I purchased $50 worth of gems and in the game there are bonus gems on top of that. After the purchase I got the gems but not the bonus amount of gems I should have gotten
Hi @EricFromSkokie, the “Bonus Gems” are included in the total amount indicated on the bundle.
If you read the text again, it says “… Bonus Gems Included”.
Based on the price you mentioned, I assume you bought the 7500 gems bundle. It has 4028 Bonus Gems included, so out of the 7500 gems, 4028 of them are the bonus gems.
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Hi there, @EricFromSkokie!
As suggested above, the Bonus Gems are included in the total number as shown on the bundle.
You can also see the total number of gems that would be credited to your account, by tapping on the available bundle before you make the purchase.
If you still feel you’ve not received the correct number of gems, please write to our in-app support team and we’ll help look into it.