Why does arm gear have the slinger and waist gear have scoutflies?

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IPhone Xs IOS 18

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問題の詳細/Issue Details

Not sure if this is the right topic to post in, but I can’t help notice that these gear pieces have these functions still on them, despite being features only in Monster Hunter World. Is this some error or is this hinting at these being implemented?

その他の情報/Other Information

marked in red on the screenshots. From a lore perspective just seems like a waste of materials.

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Thank you for reaching out!

This is just part of the design, but we’ll forward your message to our team as a feedback.

Do feel free to post on the Forum if you’ve noticed anything else.
Thank you so much for your understanding.


Maybe Scoutflies could be implemented into the game. Maybe they show a route between a set of monsters chosen by the player. (for example a route between 6 Kulu-Ya-Ku)

It’s just that there is an inconsistency because the Aknosom and Sinister sets don’t have these features (because those aren’t features in MHRise) and it sticks out to me.