On the field map, have Player 1 open the Loadout list and enable the option “Automatically switches to the previously used loadout for each monster.”
Prepare 3 loadouts with different weapons and equipment.
Proceed to hunt any large monster (“Monster A”) with an appropriate loadout (“Loadout 1”).
Then, proceed to hunt another large monster that is different from the one hunted at Step 3 (“Monster B”) with a different loadout (“Loadout 2”).
On the field, change your loadout to be the 3rd loadout that has not been used so far (“Loadout 3”; “field loadout”).
Find a location where Monster A and Monster B are near each other on the field map.
Tap Monster A and enter the hunt preparation screen. The loadout should be automatically switched from Loadout 3 to Loadout 1 at this point.
Have another player host a group hunt for Monster B.
Player 1 wait for the “Join hunt!” invitation, then proceed to join the group hunt for Monster B. In the hunt lobby, Player 1’s loadout should be switched from Loadout 1 to Loadout 2 at this point since this was last used against Monster B.
Complete the group hunt for Monster B (Monster A is still alive and on the map at this point).
Upon returning to the field map, observe that Player 1’s loadout on the field map becomes Loadout 1 instead of Loadout 3.
The field loadout should remain as what the player had before starting Step 7 and not become the loadout that was selected automatically at Step 7 when they join another group hunt from the hunt preparation screen.
I believe it is not necessary to complete the hunts in order to reproduce the issue, but I have never tried to not complete the hunt when responding to a group hunt invitation this way, so I do not know if I can simply skip Step 10 and just leave the group hunt lobby and see the same issue at Step 11.