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iPhone 12 Pro Max
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毎回/Every time
問題の詳細/Issue Details
Trying new Khezu with lance but cannot block it’s electric orbs while guarding
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Not an issue. It is already written so in the Monster Guide.
It is also canon that Khezu’s electric attacks cannot be blocked.
This is my first Khezu so I didn’t unlock monster guide yet.
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That’s the nature of hunting monsters. You don’t know what you’re dealing with until you have hunted one and analysed it, which in this game comes in the form of a Monster Guide.
After unlocking the Monster Guide entry, then you can verify your experience with the Guide to judge whether it’s actually working as intended or not.
Just to add on, Basarios has a few attacks that cannot be blocked too. Please be careful. The new monsters are introducing us to unblockable attacks. Hopefully we can get the Guard Up skill soon.