携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*
Samsung S23 Ultra, Android 14, One UI 6.1
アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*
問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring
問題の詳細/Issue Details
Since Dec 2023, the monster’s roars have been adjusted. It was said to be adjusted for range, but the mechanism has changed so much to the point that weak monsters’ roars become nearly impossible to dodge despite performing what would have easily been a Perfect Evasion against normal attacks (i.e. evading at the last possible moment).
See attached video for an example.
This applies to all monsters with weak roars (monsters with strong roars cannot be dodged), but it’s still possible to dodge some of the monsters’ roars but it’s very difficult to dodge many monsters’ weak roars.
Most of the time, despite evading the roar, the character will still get pressured after completing the evasion animation. This causes a delay in the character’s action and, against some agile monsters, guarantees a hit from the monster due to the delayed pressure animation despite a successful evasion animation.
I’m calling this out as a bug. Please fix.
その他の情報/Other Information
No workaround with regards to this particular issue of evading a monster’s roar.
Earplugs and activating SP Skill is a not a workaround as they don’t require user to perform an evasion.
Addendum 2024-10-01 1330hrs (UTC): I am playing with 60fps mode. I was able to evade weak monster roars while on Huawei Mate 20 and on the current phone before the Dec 2023 adjustment to weak roars. After the Dec 2023 adjustment, it became significantly more difficult to evade weak roars while on this phone regardless of the settings I use. I have no problem perfect-evading normal attacks. I have also reinstalled the game just a couple of weeks ago.
画像、動画ファイル添付(最大30MB)/Attach screen shots, video files(Max30MB)
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Thank you for the response! The roar when Zinogre transitions into the charged state can be evaded easily. However, I am speaking of its “normal” roars, not the one where it transitions into the charged state.
I can evade the one you mentioned easily, but the normal roar is the problematic and inconsistent one, as do other monsters with weak roar.
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Lower-strength (★) monsters’ weak roar will be easier to evade?
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I feel the same as you do. But I keenly remember that before the adjustment to monsters’ weak roars in Dec 2023, I was able to evade Barroth and Pukei-Pukei’s roars consistently. After that adjustment, I cannot evade them anymore.
I wish to use the following video to demonstrate the “inconsistency”. I synchronised the two videos according to the roar animation as best I can on my phone. On the right, it shows the exact moment I get pressured by the roar. Comparing to the one on the left, where I attempted to evade the roar, I demonstrated that I evaded at the last moment before I ought to be pressured by the roar. However, towards the end of the evasion animation, I still got pressured.
Hence, I think this is a problem.
Thank you for replying to me too! Always good to see the other side of the story, where others are having successes where I failed, despite feeling that I have done the same as the others.
May I know what is your phone model and OS version, in case the developers need the information?
環境はBlackShark4 pro, Android11で、狩猟中の60fpsモードは有効にしてます。
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Thank you for your report!
We would like to let you know that the timing to dodge monster’s roar is strict. We’ve checked your videos and it seems like you are dodging a bit too early, so could you see if you can avoid getting pressured by slightly delaying your dodge?
Let us know if you notice anything else.
Thank you for you understanding.