Sticky/Slicing Shot Hit Box Inaccuracy

Seems like this game has problem with sticky projectiles. Wyrmstake cannon also has the same kind of problem:

  1. Gunlance's wyrmstake cannon attack often sticks to other body parts than the spot that's being hit
  2. Wyrmstake hits do not always register when embedded into the stump of a monster's severed tail

In the old forums, I also reported the issue where firing my spread bow at Kulu’s head at point blank often results in the shot hitting the neck’s hit box instead of the head. This was fixed, so it’s better now.

There’s also the issue of piercing arrows getting “deflected” by the Rath-family’s wings when it hits their wing at a certain angle when the wing is in a certain motion, but seems like not many people encountered this issue and thus never got improved.