Wyrmstake hits do not always register when embedded into the stump of a monster's severed tail

携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*

Samsung S23 Ultra, Android 14, One UI 6.1

アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*


問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring


問題の詳細/Issue Details


  1. Equip any appropriate gunlance and proceed to hunt a monster that has a severable tail (example shown is for Barroth).
  2. During the hunt, sever the monster’s tail with any severing attack.
  3. Proceed to apply wyrmstake onto the very end of the tail stump, ideally on the exposed face of the point of severing, not to the side of the stump.
  4. Observe that the wyrmstake’s damage may not register on the monster.


  1. Since the wyrmstake is embedded onto the monster, the damage should still occur.


  1. This issue can also happen when the wyrmstake is embedded at the point where the tail is severed and when the tail gets severed, the wyrmstake remains attached on the tail stump but may not always deal damage. It is understandable that the wyrmstake won’t deal damage to the monster if the wyrmstake is attached to the tail tip that dropped off, but in this case the wyrmstake is still attached to the monster’s tail stump, but just nice it’s at the point of severance and therefore encounters this issue.
  2. I set the “frequency” as “Frequent” because sometimes some of the hits would still register when the wyrmstake is embedded this way, but not always. There was once the severing hits stopped registering after the tail dropped off but the final explosion registered on the tail stump.
  3. Please see attached video for the example against Barroth, where none of the wyrmstake’s hits registered.


Thank you for your report regarding the wyrmstake cannon.

The information you have provided has been shared with the development team and is currently being looked into.

We’ll make sure to keep you updated for any possible information or workarounds for this issue.

Thank you for your patience.

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I just witnessed another instance of the wyrmstake ammo not causing damage except the final explosion: it was when I attached the wyrmstake into a 9★ Barroth’s face as it turned to face me.

My friend broke its foreleg before it can do anything else, and during the partbreak animation, the wyrmstake did no damage at all except the final explosion while the wyrmstake was attached to its mouth/face from the front.

This was totally unexpected, so I didn’t take a video of it.

Thank you for another report regarding the wyrmstake cannon.

We’ve forwarded your message to our development team for further investigation. If the issue occurs again, please send us a video of it.

Thanks for bringing this up to us!

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I would like to mention that this issue is glaring when applying wyrmstake to Nergigante’s tail. It often sticks to the “air” around the tail and doesn’t do any damage at all.

Please prioritise improving the hit registeration for wyrmstake (both how it attaches to the monster and the hit registration when it attaches) :pray:t2: