Sticky /Slicing ammo does not seem to be accurate. Head shots sometimes go through the head resulting in less monster stun (they connect to back or hover somewhere above the head). Tail shots sometimes connect to head (Paolumu during tail sweep).
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Issue persistent across multiple reboots.
Observed only after Dec 5 patch. Observed mostly on Rathian, Rathalos, Pukei Pukei, Paolumu. Also tested on Tzitzi-ya-ku and small monsters.
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In the old forums, I also reported the issue where firing my spread bow at Kulu’s head at point blank often results in the shot hitting the neck’s hit box instead of the head. This was fixed, so it’s better now.
There’s also the issue of piercing arrows getting “deflected” by the Rath-family’s wings when it hits their wing at a certain angle when the wing is in a certain motion, but seems like not many people encountered this issue and thus never got improved.
Thank you for your report and we apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.
The information you have provided has been shared with the development team for further investigation. If there is any additional information we can share on this, we’ll do so on this Forum.
Do feel free to post on the Forum if you’ve noticed anything else.
Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.
Stampeder: I can’t compare it to GL as I’m almost exclusively a ranged (bow/hbg/lbg) hunter. Odd thing is that it only started after the Dec 5 patch. Before that, sticky projectiles reliably stick to the visible point of impact. As for Rathalos (and Legiana) it’s really difficult to optimize pierce (either arrows or shot) on flapping wings. I inconsistently still get 3 or 4 hits on a well-aligned shot on the wing during the airborne mini-shout animation. I’ll try to record that but I really avoid it as much as possible.
KKI: thanks for officially endorsing this. I can do more screenshots / recording and testing if needed. I’ve also noticed that specific to Pukei Pukei the projectile visibly hovers above point of impact a lot more often than in other monsters. Those shots also don’t deal damage on impact though they damage upon explosion. I also noticed that when I target Great Jagras (and Odogaron in a few instances) forearms with the same, some shots stick below the ground and don’t deal damage on impact (explosion still damages).
Heavy Bow Gun’s sticky shots tend to clip through the head on the second shot if you are facing it head on. I know I’m aiming perfectly at its face, even point blank sometimes, but range doesn’t matter. On Rathalos, Rathian, and Pukei-Pukei, the second shot skips the face hit box and goes right onto the neck or back.
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I restarted the app, no changes. It seems this problem doesn’t occur on Tigrex, maybe it’s a typical wyvern skeleton problem?
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Hi all, just to update it seems that after the last patch the sticky and slicing ammo shots now correctly attach to the hit parts. I can no longer replicate the previous issues, especially the Paolumu glitch (slicing shot attached to head when bullet hits tail). Sticky now stuns monsters consistently again. Tested on Paolumu, Rathian (base and both subs), Pukei Pukei, Tzitzi-ya-ku, Rathalos (base only).
My stickies are still clipping through the head and hitting other parts when shooting at point blank. No change to wyrmstake issue as well. v90.0-241217-1131.