Sound and Driftsmelt

モバイル端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*

Nubia Redmagic 8sPro

アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*


問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring

毎回/Every time

問題の詳細/Issue Details

after the latest update, my sound game became distorted. but in other platform is ok. then the driftsmelt stuck at 3.7km/5km even though im just walking but it will not add up

その他の情報/Other Information

already uninstall and install the game. but still occur. attach 1st video. around 20s - 24s you will hear the distorted sound. the 2nd video source is youtube but the sound is ok. 3rd file is picture that stuck at 3.7km/5km driftsmelt. can i somehow stop this or cancel the driftsmelt process?

画像、動画ファイル添付(最大30MB)/Attach screen shots, video files(Max30MB)

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+1 on RM9 pro

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wish they fix it in next update. cant play with sound anymore :sob:

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