Driftsmelting is still at 5.0km and on your website it said it was going to be at 2.5km during the event

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Samsung Galaxy 23 ultra

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問題の詳細/Issue Details

Driftsmelting is still at 5.0km and on your website it said it was going to be at 2.5km during the event. I posted a picture below so you can see

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Driftsmelting will only be 2.5km if you get it after the event starts, if you get it before the event starts it will remain at 5.0km.
Did you get that stone after the event started?

I got two new stones today. Both 2.5K. Delete any 5.0 stones that you have and they will be replaced by 2.5K stones.

Thank you for reaching out.

As it is already mentioned by other hunters, the distance required for driftsmelting with driftstones obtained during the current event period will be reduced from the usual 5 km to 2.5 km. Please check our official website for further information.

However, please let us know if the distance is not reduced with the drifstones obtained during the event.

Thank you for your understanding.