Some Large Nodes Do Not Spawn HATs

モバイル端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*

iPhone 13

アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*


問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring

毎回/Every time

問題の詳細/Issue Details

I live in a biome with 7 large gathering nodes. One of these is directly in range of my residence. Every single time I check my map, I never see a HAT spawn at the convenient location. They seem to only spawn at the same 2 or 3 large nodes over and over again, and I happen to live with one of the “unlucky” ones.

その他の情報/Other Information

Unsure if this is a bug, intentional, or maybe even some sort of coincidence. I have lived here long enough though (several weeks) that I am beginning to think that the algorithm that determines where a HAT spawns might not be equipped to deal with a map biome with a high number of large nodes accessible.

I believe this is by design.

From what I have observed,

  1. Each grid can have up to 6 HAT nodes.
  2. If a grid has less than 6 Large Gathering Points, all the nodes can become a HAT node but with timing staggered. Not sure what’s the HAT timing like for fewer-than-6-nodes grids. I’ve heard that single-node grids would have the same node respawning as HAT every hour or something along that line.
  3. If a grid has more than 6 Large Gathering Points, only 6 will be chosen at the beginning of the… whatever selection window they’re using. I guess this will be shuffled at the beginning of a new season or something; the last shuffle was at the release of Zinogre in Dec '23. Then, each node will remain as a HAT-possible node with 3-hour intervals between HAT spawns for the respective nodes, and the spawn schedule is fixed at the start of each local day.

So, for example, if you have 7 large gathering points within one grid,

  1. 6 of them will be HAT nodes. Let’s assume these are nodes 1 to 6.
  2. Beginning of each day, the first node that becomes a HAT at 7.15am could be node 2, then 7.45am is node 5, 8.15am is node 3, 8.45am is node 1, 9.15am is node 6, and 9.45am is node 4. At 10.15am, the cycle restarts, and for this hypothetical day, it’s node 2 first. So, for this day, the spawn order is 2, 5, 3, 1, 6, 4. The order is maintained until the last spawn at 10.45pm. This spawn pattern clearly means that some nodes can have up to 6 spawns a day (e.g. 0715, 1015, 1315, 1615, 1915, 2215) while others can only have up to 5 spawns a day (0945, 1245, 1545, 1845, 2145).
  3. The next day, the spawn order would be scrambled, and may become 6, 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, or whatever order it randomly chooses.
  4. The 7th large gathering point will remain inert throughout, until the next time they shuffle the gathering points and/or HAT nodes.
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This matter has been answered here before.


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