So about the text issue...

携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*

Moto g Power 2024

アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*


問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring

毎回/Every time

問題の詳細/Issue Details

With the update just now coming, i can say with utmost certainty…

I STILL cannot see anything text and effects wise and the like.

その他の情報/Other Information

Is there any update on a fix coming for devices such as mine?

画像、動画ファイル添付(最大30MB)/Attach screen shots, video files(Max30MB)

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Thank you for reporting the text problem that happened to you.
However, upon checking, it appears that the device you are using is not supported. (Moto g Power 2024 / CPU: DIMENSITY 7020)
So we cannot provide official support, but as a first aid measure, please try clearing the cache and reinstalling the App.
Thank you for your understanding.

The first aid measure was done many times and it does not do Anything.

I should not have to get a whole new phone just to make the game function properly when dealing with things like this.

What is unideal is the fact that nobody else understands how infuriating it is to not have any sort of context with mundane things like knowing how much you need for an equipment piece through a menu, not seeing everything when editing a character or palico, and not knowing what the characters are even saying.

Its been 51 Days and many updates since it happened and my patience is wearing out.

Can we PLEASE just consider looking into how deep the problem really goes for just that moment?

Would hurt to at least Try?

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This has been an ongoing issue since v86.0 (Halloween update), the texts were working perfectly fine before this update. It has been two months with this issue and not getting any useful response from the mods or from the dev team.

And I will cite myself from the other forum about this issue:

" Also, I want to back my claim against MediaTek Dimensity 7020 not being a compatible CPU, when it’s comparable to a Snapdragon 855 or even better in some respects (ej. using DDR5 instead of DDR4 for faster loading times). The game’s performance is perfectly fine at medium settings, even at high settings with minor slowdowns."

This clearly isn’t an issue about compatibility or Mediatek Dimesity CPU series not being supported, because the game was working without problems before, is about a problem introduced in the Halloween update that hasn’t been fix in two months.

And we have been constantly contacting the mod team in the forums to get this problem fixed, the only “useful” response we got was this one from NianticModKKI:

Please know that this issue has been shared with the development team and is currently being looked into.

If there is any additional information we can share on this, we’ll do so on this Forum.

Do feel free to post on the Forum if you’ve noticed anything else.
Thank you so much for your patience and understanding."

This answer was from 38 days ago! I we haven’t received any updates on the matter.

I even tried contacting Niantic Support using email. This was their response:

"Hi Hunter,

Thank you for contacting Monster Hunter Now support! Sorry to hear about the missing texts since the Halloween update. We understand how important it is for this issue to be fixed.

We appreciate that you tried some troubleshooting steps yourself. In this case, we have forwarded your concern to the team for review. When we get a result, we’ll make sure to announce it at the Community Forum.

For now, we would appreciate your patience on this. We’re always looking for ways to improve, and we appreciate you bringing this to our attention."

From 38 days ago too, without any updates.

There is communication problem within the team, because this isn’t going to anyone that can solve the issue. And we tried for a month to get a useful response, just to get the same response again saying “your device isn’t supported” when the CPU is on the same level as a Snapdragon 855 or better in some aspects.

Indeed is infuriating to play the game blindly and not getting any response from Niantic for an issue that has been going so long and has been brought again and again, not just here, on Reddit, on Play Store reviews, Facebook and X (Twitter).

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