Meu jogo está com erro na descrição dos itens não aparece nadlll

携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*

Android 14

アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*

Sei la

問題の詳細/Issue Details

Todos os itens estão sem descriçao já tentei de tudo reinstalar mudar de idioma e nada resolve

Thank you for reaching out.

Would you mind letting us know the following information as we would like to look into it further?

  • Device model that you are using (ex. iPhone 15, Pixel 8, Galaxy S23)
  • Screenshot of the issue

Thank you for your understanding.

O meu também está com esse mesmo problema, não aparece nenhuma discrição em lugar nenhum até mesmo nas configurações não aparece nada

Thank you for your report.

Could you please see if your device meets the spec to play Monster Hunter Now from the following article?

Please let us know the following information if the issue persists on a supported device.

  • Device model that you are using (ex. iPhone 15, Pixel 8, Galaxy S23)

Thank you for your understanding.