Screen sometimes turns upside down during hunt

携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*

iPhone 11 Pro, iOS 17

アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*


問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring

ごく稀/Very rare

問題の詳細/Issue Details

I have not seen this bug for a very long time, but yesterday it happened again. Going into a hunt and the screen rotates 180 degrees. Complete the hunt and the screen goes back to the right way. Start the next hunt and the screen rotates again. However, the “reward / progress of task completion” message is shown with the correct orientation while the screen of play is shown rotated.

その他の情報/Other Information

As the attached screenshots show, it is only the app that rotates, not the operating system. System time and cellular / battery status remain unchanged. The problem appears to be resolvable only by restarting the app.

画像、動画ファイル添付(最大30MB)/Attach screen shots, video files(Max30MB)


Just to confirm, were you holding the phone upright (relative to the ground) when this issue occurred?

Yes, absolutely. With the earphone pointing towards the sky and the microphone towards the ground.


I was there. He and I hunt together. It happened.


Thank you for your report and we apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

If you haven’t already, please follow the steps provided in our Troubleshooting Guide to see if that helps:

You may also follow the below steps to see how it goes:

  • Restart your device
  • Enable rotation lock
  • Update to the latest OS version

Thank you for your understanding.

  1. Done many times.
  2. No, but nor do my hunting buddies and they have not had this problem. I was using the phone in the normal orientation - earphone to the sky and microphone to the ground - and the entire game, other than the in-game messages, rotated 180 degrees. Not 90, 180. While the phone was being held in the usual way.
  3. As per details of original report.

Sorry to hear that the issue is still persisting.

The information you have provided has been shared with the development team and is currently being looked into. If there is any additional information we can share on this, we’ll do so on this Forum so we appreciate it if you could keep an eye on this.

However, this may be caused by the device that you are using since your friend is not experiencing the same issue, so could you also try contacting Apple for further support if the following steps don’t work?

  • Enable rotation lock
  • Update to the latest OS version

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

It just happened again. My hunting buddy videoed it from his phone.

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You could try and open the “Measure” app or something like that and go to the “Level” section.

There you can try and make sure if your phones gyrosensor is working properly. Otherwise that is a really weird bug.