携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*
iPhone 11 Pro, iOS 17
アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*
問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring
ごく稀/Very rare
問題の詳細/Issue Details
I just competed in the “five Rajang” HAT. First four Rajangs, no problem.
The first attempt at the 9* failed because one hunter left the moment that it started and another left shortly afterwards. I gave it a bit longer, but then also left. About a minute left on the HAT timer.
For the second attempt at the 9*, with different hunters, everyone stayed in the hunt, but other hunters were underpowered. I have 9-4 Legiana Dual Blades and used my special twice, but still we didn’t beat it.
By now, the HAT timer was at zero, so I had to let this hunt run, in order to have another chance at it. The hunt failed again, I tried tapping on “Reattempt Hunt”, but the screen/keyboard was unresponsive.
I could switch to other apps and they were working fine. I could enter text in those other apps and tap buttons. It was only MHNow that wasn’t responding.
I then tried again after submitting this report and it was the same. Neither “Reattempt Hunt” nor “Return to Main Screen” buttons were responding. So eventually I had to just hold-swipe up and close the app, losing my position in the last hunt.