Paolumus inhale discrepancies

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Android galaxy fold 5

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問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring


問題の詳細/Issue Details

SnS skyward stryker is unaffected by normal paolumu air inhale but will be cancelled by nightshade paolumus inhale sequence

Hi @Pleijten7494,

Thank you for your report on hunting Paolumu and we apologize for any inconvenience caused by the content of the report.

We want to start investigating this case, so could you please provide us a video which we can confirm the issue with?

We will be working on this promptly once we hear back from you.

I appreciate your cooperation!

I would love to make videos, but since nightshade paolumu is a rare spawn and not part of the tracker it might take a while. It also depends on timing. I would be great if there was a feature like on playstation to get a recording of a previous hunt for these cases.

nightshade paolumu

normal paolumu

here are both the videos for the normal and the nightshade variant

Looks like the normal Paolumu’s the one with the broken inhale mechanism.

These two inhale actions are different, so they shouldn’t be expected to be the same, but for the normal Paolumu’s inhale to not affect you at that point in time doesn’t look right since other people on the ground would be affected.

i agree, the normal paolumu inhale is more forward directed and the nightshade version is more downward.

the thing is that the skyward slash for SnS should have some invulnerability in it as was explained in an update from a couple of months ago.
this seems to be the upward slash part as i have experienced being vulnarable in all other parts of the slash. so in this case the upward slash for the nightshade paolumu should be using the same iframes and would be incorrect.

so is it a problem in the setup of the paolumus or is it a problem in the way the iframes are setup in the backhop-slash mechanism?

Oooh. I actually never figured out that new invulnerability in that SnS attack. Always thought it had something to do with the downward shield bash instead of the initial climbing up part.

Maybe the NS version had multi-hit, which iframes won’t cover for all… Need to test it out with my lance.