For example, if I have a paintball for a large monster in a desert and a “slay large monsters in the desert habitat” quest, after I slay the large monster the quest tracker doesn’t progress.
I am unable to provide a video as I only have a quest to slay desert monsters at the moment but due to bad luck none of my palico paintballs have marked desert monsters.
Here’s a better description of how to trigger the bug:
Have a marked monster and a quest to slay monsters in the same habitat the marked monster was paintballed in.
Slay the monster. It doesn’t matter in what habitat you are currently standing in.
The quest doesn’t progress.
Should I wait with progressing the quest until I can mark a desert monster?
We’ve investigated this case with our team and confirmed it is intended that marked monsters don’t contribute to “Slay large monster in the X habitat” quests.
If you have other questions or concerns, feel free to reach out again!
Thank you so much for your understanding.
I have selected “Every Time” because it probably is.
Three of us hunt together and share our paintballed monsters. We are on page 2 of “Driftsmelting Bonanza”, one task of which is “Slay large monster in the Swamp habitat”.
We are all currently hunting Legiana, since two of us need Legiana Scales to upgrade our Legiana Dual Blades from 9-4 to 9-5.
We just hunted and slew a Legiana from the Monster Tracker; however, it did not count towards “Slay large monster in the Swamp habitat”.
The Legiana only lives in the swamp and was in the swamp when it was tracked/paintballed. Therefore, it was also in the swamp when it was hunted and slain. It’s not like Pokemon where the Palico is carrying the monster around in a miniature ball, so could be in whatever habitat the player is currently in.
As it happens, today, the ground under our feet (at our physical location) is also Swamp, though this should not have any bearing.
As the title says, tracked/paintballed monsters when slain should count towards “Slay large monster in the XYZ habitat” if that is the habitat from which they were captured.
Then that is poor design. When you actually hunt a paintballed monster, the correct habitat is displayed in the background. Therefore it should count. Poor design and specification.