Often, layered equipment does not get saved after changing the pieces for a Layered Loadout

携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*

Samsung S23 Ultra, Android 14, One UI 6.1

アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*


問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring


問題の詳細/Issue Details

I don’t change my layered equipment often, but when I do (once a month or so when I have unlocked something new and I want to try a different style), I find that the game doesn’t save my changes to the layered equipment. This happens almost every time I wanted to change my layered equipment once in a blue moon, but I cannot reproduce it at will.

But when it occurs,

  1. After changing the pieces and then swiping to another layered loadout and then swipe back to the changed layered loadout, the changed pieces are all reverted back to the previous configuration.
  2. Once, just now, I did not notice if it was saved after I have changed the layered equipment. I swiped to another layered loadout but decided to restart the app. After loading the game, I joined a group hunt. After the group hunt, I went to check on the altered layered loadout and found out that the layered equipment were still the previous ones, not the ones I changed to before I switched layered loadout before the restart.

I’ll append a video when I can figure out how to reproduce the issue at will, but otherwise that’s all the information I can provide for now.

その他の情報/Other Information

No concrete reproduction steps available, so the troubleshooting steps are not deductive in ruling out possibilities.

It may be possible that it is due to connection issues, but there were no in-game warnings about poor connectivity, and it occurred both when I’m on WiFi and on Mobile Data. When changing the layered equipment, the game responds smoothly, so nothing seemed amiss to me, unlike when I have poor connection with the server. If it were to be connectivity issues, it would likely be beyond the last-mile connection between me and my ISP (i.e. problem lies somewhere between my ISP and the game servers).

Thank you for your report that layered equipment doesn’t change sometimes.

The information you have provided has been shared with the development so that they can keep an eye on this.

Meanwhile, please let us know following information if the issue occurs again. This will help us investigate the issue further.

  • Video of the issue
  • How the issue can be reproduced

Thank you for your understanding.

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