改善要望は上のプルダウンメニューから改善カテゴリーをお選びください/Please select Improvements Category from the pull down menu above for submitting suggestions
携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*
ROG Phone 6 Pro
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問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring
毎回/Every time
If you equip the “Jack-o’-Head” as your Layered Equipment, it will show up as the default color and not the unique color that each player get.
Equip “Jack-o’-Head” as Layered Equipment
Equip “Jack-o’-Head” as Equipment
Maybe the app update or asset download hasn’t been completed. I tried it but the same problem didn’t occur.
Thank you for your report regarding “Jack-o’-Head”.
If you haven’t already, please follow the steps below to see if the issue improves:
- Download all game assets from Settings
- Restart the app
Let us know if you continue to experience trouble!
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
The problem still persist.
At the time of the issue, I had already download all game assets from Setting.
I have tried delete and reinstall the App and the problem still persist.
Please let me know if there are any additional detail to help aid with the issue.