Let me start off by saying that yes, of course Niantic and Capcom have to make money somehow, but that being said, the way this game’s economy is handled feels very predatory. It’s effectively a convenience economy, except obviously the convenience only exists because of the intentionally designed elements.
Specifically I am referring to potions and paintballs, it truly feels like a limit of only 5 free heals a day is not nearly enough. This heavily disincentivizes any risk early in the day. It also kills engagement since once you run out of first aid meds, you have no choice but to put the game down if you make just one or two mistakes. Not even being able to fight any significant monsters at all for extended periods of time. An entire walk could involve zero hunting due to a single mistake early on.
This perhaps wouldn’t be so egregious if paintballs were more accessible, but those too have no consistent or reliable means of renewing at all outside of real money purchases or gems which are also only consistently and reliably gained through real money transactions.
All this is to say that I don’t feel the economy is a healthy one that encourages people to support a game they love for bonuses, but rather a manipulative one that pressures players into paying for the convenience of actually playing consistently at all. I’ve already made an improvement request that thankfully does seem to have been seen, but I want to get everyone else’s opinions on the matter.
まず最初に言っておきたいのは、もちろん Niantic と Capcom は何らかの方法でお金を稼がなければならないが、そうは言っても、このゲームの経済の扱い方は非常に略奪的であるように感じられるということだ。実質的には利便性経済だが、明らかに利便性は意図的に設計された要素によってのみ存在する。
具体的にはポーションとペイントボールについてだが、1 日に 5 回の無料回復という制限は、まったく十分ではないと本当に感じる。これは、1 日の早い段階でのリスクを大幅に抑制する。また、応急処置薬がなくなると、1 回か 2 回のミスでゲームを中断するしか選択肢がないため、エンゲージメントが失われる。長時間、重要なモンスターと戦うことさえできない。序盤の 1 回のミスが原因で、1 回の散歩でまったく狩りができなくなる可能性がある。